ConFlat Vacuum Flanges Installation Guide

ConFlat vacuum flanges (CF) are the ideal flange choice for ultra-high vacuum (UHV) systems. However, if a proper, tight seal is not maintained between flanges, your system will not maintain UHV pressure. This guide will walk you through how to install ConFlat flanges onto your system so that it runs smoothly and effectively. Before beginning,…

ANCORP Update on Green Initiatives

ANCORP is proud to share updates on our commitment to pursuing green and eco-friendly business practices to minimize our environmental impact. Since declaring our green initiatives, we’ve saved tons (pun intended) of carbon emissions from entering our environment. At least 4 tons of CO2 emissions have been saved making the switch to plant-wide LED…

ANCORP: Proudly Made in the USA

The importance of domestic manufacturing has become evident to users in the vacuum industry this year. While many companies recover from the effects of COVID-19, ANCORP is proud to say that we are operating as normal because we manufacture almost all of our high vacuum and ultra-high vacuum (UHV) components in the USA.

COVID-19 Update

To Our Valued Customers,

We are all aware of the complexities created by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have seen “shelter in place” orders, quarantine orders, and many other efforts to slow the spread of this virus.